So I start to look around for an ultimate solutions for the problem.
The first solution I encounter is from OpenShift online answer that describe how to clean up remote repo within the gear
This solution works rather well. It removes the entire history. So I used for quite some time.
#!/bin/bash # Clean up gear info ssh $gear_ssh_url "cd git; rm -rf *.git; cd *.git; git init --bare; exit" # Create bare repo to overwrite history (or do a new git clone, it is just I found it is faster just do a new repo and point remote repo) git init current_date=`date` git commit -m "Automatic Push as of $current_date due to code change" git add origin $gear_git_url git push origin master -u --force
However, recently, I start to find that I should at least keep one history of backup, so I can rollback more easily (I found that binary-deployment seem to be harder to management then the git, maybe I did not understand the full feature yet). So I start to look for a git solution to clean up history.
Following is the other solution I found
It works very well. As it do remove the commit history and there reduce the size but also leave at least one history commit that I can revert back to.
What I found is that there is one thing I do not recognize in the solution, it will only impact local repository until there is a new commit to push the change along with these new repo data clean up to effect local repo. So without a new commit, if somebody clone it again, all history will still be there as the change is not in repo yet.
So I did some adjustment
#!/bin/bash # Reference from the article current_branch="$(git branch --no-color | cut -c3-)" ; current_head_commit="$(git rev-parse $current_branch)" ; echo "Current branch: $current_branch $current_head_commit" ; # A B C D (D is the current head commit), B is new_history_begin_commit new_history_begin_commit="$(git rev-parse $current_branch~1)" ; echo "Recreating $current_branch branch with initial commit $new_history_begin_commit ..." ; git checkout --orphan new_start $new_history_begin_commit ; git commit -C $new_history_begin_commit ; git rebase --onto new_start $new_history_begin_commit $current_branch; git branch -d new_start ; git reflog expire --expire=now --all; git gc --prune=now; # Still require a push for remote to take effect, otherwise the push will not go through as there is no change if [ -f .invoke_update ]; then rm -rf .invoke_update; else touch .invoke_update; fi
git add -A .;
git commit -m "Force clean up history $current_date";
git push origin master --force;
It first did as in post to clean up the local repo, make a dummy commit, push the change to remote.
thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteI get "rm: cannot remove". Can't do sudo (not permitted). Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI figured it out. Needed to change permissions (to allow myself!) to delete the files. So, adding "chmod 777 -R git/*" will do that, as follows:
ssh $gear_ssh_url "chmod 777 -R git/*; cd git; rm -rf *.git; cd *.git; git init --bare; exit"