Sunday, August 15, 2021

Multi - Steps Spring Batch Remote Partition with Spring Cloud Task on Kuberentes

Recently is studying about Spring Batch Remote Partition with Spring Cloud Task.

Thought to organize notes about issues/challenges found that may be useful for others who are studying similar topics.

One main reason to leverage remote partition is to dynamic scale (different computing) workload (with technologies such as container) as needed instead of claiming resources even in idle period.

Setup example like below

The combination of Spring Batch with Spring Cloud Task (DeployerPartitionHandler) is designed to help developers to leverage Spring Batch existing flow while leveraging the cloud deployment.

It did provide a lot of abilities, however, there seem not too much docs about it yet especially around kuberentes deployment.

The closest one can find is the official doc
[Spring Cloud Deployer Kuberentes, discover method through test code]
[Spring Cloud Tutorial on Remote Deployment, though the default code seem not able to compile for me]

But it does not mention about how to setup K8S portion beside mention need to change the pom dependency

After digging around github source code of spring cloud deployer for kuberentes and other issues raise in github, able to compute out a way, so prepare a dummy repo

Major points thought to mention (below is just high level of changes on top of above Spring Cloud's official doc):

Dependency need to change to not deploy local, but use K8S dependency


For code change, can be found in

Need to declare TaskLauncher to specify K8S resource 

public TaskLauncher taskLauncher( @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) {
 KubernetesDeployerProperties kubernetesDeployerProperties = new KubernetesDeployerProperties();


Need to declare DeployerHandler to use above TaskLauncher

public PartitionHandler partitionHandler(TaskLauncher taskLauncher,
JobExplorer jobExplorer,
@Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) throws Exception {


// Use local build image
DockerResource resource = new DockerResource(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerImage"));

DeployerPartitionHandler partitionHandler =
new DeployerPartitionHandler(taskLauncher, jobExplorer, resource,
stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerStep")
, taskRepository);

Notice above, PartitionHandeler is at stepscope, so can do scope specific configuration to TaskLaucher (computing size of k8s pods) and DeployerHandler (docker image to be used, though in this sample, it is same)

Most online articles available seem only did one partitionhandler hardcoded to one condition to apply to all steps. But in many situation, different step need different setup (as shown in the first diagram).

But this get into another issue, if declaring partitionhandler at stepscope level, it will error out with null as mentioned below (created a StackOverflow question as seem not able to find in doc)

There were also github issues created

Issue being continued to discuss at: (multiple partitioner handler discussion) (which this fix is based up to use partitionerhandler at step scope to configure different worker steps + resources + max worker)

Will error out like below

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-2.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:2.3.1-SNAPSHOT]
    at ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-2.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:2.3.1-SNAPSHOT]
    at ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-2.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:2.3.1-SNAPSHOT]

Root cause analyze (hypothesis)

The problem is DeployerPartitionHandler utilize annoation @BeforeTask to force task to pass in TaskExecution object as part of Task setup

But as this partionerHandler is now at @StepScope (instead of directly at @Bean level with @Enable Task) or there are two partitionHandler, that setup is no longer triggered, as @EnableTask seem not able to locate one partitionhandler during creation. @ 269

Resulted created DeployerHandler faced a null with taskExecution when trying to launch (as it is never setup) @ 347

Workaround Resolution

Below is essentially a workaround to use the current job execution id to retrieve the associated task execution id From there, got that task execution and passed to deploy handler to fulfill its need of taskExecution reference It seem to work, but still not clear if there is other side effect (so far during test not found any)

Full code can be found in

In the partitionHandler method

    public PartitionHandler partitionHandler(TaskLauncher taskLauncher,
                                                   JobExplorer jobExplorer,
                                             @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) throws Exception {


      // After the declaration of partitionhandler
        DeployerPartitionHandler partitionHandler =
                new DeployerPartitionHandler(taskLauncher, jobExplorer, resource,
                        stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerStep")
                        , taskRepository);

        // Issue
        // Perform the setting of execution as this partitioner now not created at task level so @beforetask is no longer vaild
        // The problem is DeployerPartitionHandler utilize annoation @BeforeTask to force task to pass in TaskExecution object as part of Task setup
        // But as this partionerHandler is now at @StepScope (instead of directly at @Bean level with @Enable Task), that setup is no longer triggered
        // Resulted created DeployerHandler faced a null

        // Below is essentially a workaround to use the current job execution id to retrieve the associated task execution id
        // From there, got that task execution and passed to deploy handler to fulfill its need of taskExecution reference
        // It seem to work, but still not clear if there is other side effect (so far during test not found any)
        long executionId = taskExplorer.getTaskExecutionIdByJobExecutionId(stepExecution.getJobExecutionId());

        System.out.println("Current execution job to task execution id " + executionId);
        TaskExecution taskExecution = taskExplorer.getTaskExecution(taskExplorer.getTaskExecutionIdByJobExecutionId(stepExecution.getJobExecutionId()));
        System.out.println("Current execution job to task execution is not null: " + (taskExecution != null));

// rest of code continue

(note it utilize stepExecution context to find out the current trigger step name and therefore assign different worker step) Worker name in this case is coming from pre-defined job execution, but may able to come from jobparameter or another place too)

That job context is populated with job listner

Job is configured with job listener

    @Bean(name = "partitionedJob")
    public Job partitionedJob()throws Exception {
        Random random = new Random();
        return jobBuilderFactory.get("partitionedJob" + random.nextInt())

In job listener populated it

    public JobExecutionListener jobExecutionListener() {
    JobExecutionListener listener = new JobExecutionListener(){
        public void beforeJob(JobExecution jobExecution)
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerCPURequest", "1");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerCPULimit", "2");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerGridSize", "1");

            // For now using same image for reader/processor, but if it work, can split them
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerImage", "worker:latest");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerStep", "workerStepReader");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorCPURequest", "3");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorCPULimit", "4");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerGridSize", "2");

            // For now using same image for reader/processor, but if it work, will split them
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerImage", "worker:latest");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerStep", "workerStepProcessor");

            System.out.println("Set readerGridSize == " + jobExecution.getExecutionContext().getString("readerGridSize", "IT IS NULL WHICH IS INCORRECT"));


        public void afterJob(JobExecution jobExecution) {

    return listener;

Full code (can also be found in my code github after the workaround fix is being applied):

package com.example.batchprocessing;

import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.DeletionPropagation;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.JobList;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.JobSpec;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.JobStatus;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClient;
import org.springframework.batch.core.*;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.JobRegistry;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.annotation.EnableBatchProcessing;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.annotation.JobBuilderFactory;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.annotation.StepBuilderFactory;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.annotation.StepScope;
import org.springframework.batch.core.explore.JobExplorer;
import org.springframework.batch.core.partition.PartitionHandler;
import org.springframework.batch.core.repository.JobRepository;
import org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context.ChunkContext;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.Tasklet;
import org.springframework.batch.item.ExecutionContext;
import org.springframework.batch.repeat.RepeatStatus;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.core.env.SystemEnvironmentPropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.*;

public class BatchConfiguration {

    private static int BACK_OFF_LIMIT = 6;

    // Set the kuberentes job name
    private String taskName_prefix="partitionedbatchjob";

    public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;

    public StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;

    public JobExplorer jobExplorer;

    public JobRepository jobRepository;

    public TaskExecutor taskExecutor;

    public TaskRepository taskRepository;

    public TaskExplorer taskExplorer;

    private ConfigurableApplicationContext context;

    private DelegatingResourceLoader resourceLoader;

    private Environment environment;

    public Partitioner partitioner( @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) {
        return new Partitioner() {
            public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize) {

                Map<String, ExecutionContext> partitions = new HashMap<>(gridSize);

                int targetGridSize = 0;
                String step = "";
                    step = "reader";
                    step = "processor";

                targetGridSize = Integer.parseInt(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerGridSize"));

                for (int i = 0; i < targetGridSize; i++) {
                    ExecutionContext context1 = new ExecutionContext();
                    context1.put("partitionNumber", i);

                    partitions.put("partition" + i, context1);

                return partitions;

    public KubernetesClient kuberentesClient()
        KubernetesDeployerProperties kubernetesDeployerProperties = new KubernetesDeployerProperties();

        return KubernetesClientFactory.getKubernetesClient(kubernetesDeployerProperties);

    public TaskLauncher taskLauncher( @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution)
        KubernetesDeployerProperties kubernetesDeployerProperties = new KubernetesDeployerProperties();


        // Database setup to reference configmap for database info
        List<KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef> configMapKeyRefList = new ArrayList<KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef>();
        KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef configMapKeyRef = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef();

        configMapKeyRef = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef();

        configMapKeyRef = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef();

        configMapKeyRef = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef();

        configMapKeyRef = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.ConfigMapKeyRef();


        // Set request resource
        KubernetesDeployerProperties.RequestsResources request = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.RequestsResources();
        KubernetesDeployerProperties.LimitsResources limit = new KubernetesDeployerProperties.LimitsResources();

        String step = "";


        request.setCpu(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "CPURequest"));

        limit.setCpu(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step +"CPULimit"));


        // as build on local image, so need to use local

        // Set task launcher properties to not repeat and not restart
        KubernetesTaskLauncherProperties kubernetesTaskLauncherProperties = new KubernetesTaskLauncherProperties();

        // Set to never to create new pod on restart
        KubernetesTaskLauncher kubernetesTaskLauncher = new KubernetesTaskLauncher(kubernetesDeployerProperties,
                kubernetesTaskLauncherProperties, kuberentesClient());

        return kubernetesTaskLauncher;

    @Bean(name = "partitionedJob")
    public Job partitionedJob()throws Exception {
        Random random = new Random();
        return jobBuilderFactory.get("partitionedJob" + random.nextInt())

    @Bean(name = "partitionReaderStep")
    public Step partitionReaderStep() throws Exception {

        return stepBuilderFactory.get("partitionReaderStep")
                .partitioner(workerStepReader().getName(),  partitioner( null))
                        taskLauncher( null),
                        jobExplorer, null))

    @Bean(name = "partitionProcessorStep")
    public Step partitionProcessorStep() throws Exception {

        return stepBuilderFactory.get("partitionProcessorStep")
                .partitioner(workerStepProcessor().getName(), partitioner( null))
                        taskLauncher( null),
                        jobExplorer, null))

    public PartitionHandler partitionHandler(TaskLauncher taskLauncher,
                                                   JobExplorer jobExplorer,
                                             @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) throws Exception {

        String step ="processor";

        if(stepExecution.getStepName().equalsIgnoreCase("partitionReaderStep")) {
            step = "reader";

        // Use local build image
        DockerResource resource = new DockerResource(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerImage"));

        DeployerPartitionHandler partitionHandler =
                new DeployerPartitionHandler(taskLauncher, jobExplorer, resource,
                        stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerStep")
                        , taskRepository);

        // Issue
        // Perform the setting of execution as this partitioner now not created at task level so @beforetask is no longer vaild
        // The problem is DeployerPartitionHandler utilize annoation @BeforeTask to force task to pass in TaskExecution object as part of Task setup
        // But as this partionerHandler is now at @StepScope (instead of directly at @Bean level with @Enable Task), that setup is no longer triggered
        // Resulted created DeployerHandler faced a null

        // Below is essentially a workaround to use the current job execution id to retrieve the associated task execution id
        // From there, got that task execution and passed to deploy handler to fulfill its need of taskExecution reference
        // It seem to work, but still not clear if there is other side effect (so far during test not found any)
        long executionId = taskExplorer.getTaskExecutionIdByJobExecutionId(stepExecution.getJobExecutionId());

        System.out.println("Current execution job to task execution id " + executionId);
        TaskExecution taskExecution = taskExplorer.getTaskExecution(taskExplorer.getTaskExecutionIdByJobExecutionId(stepExecution.getJobExecutionId()));
        System.out.println("Current execution job to task execution is not null: " + (taskExecution != null));

        List<String> commandLineArgs = new ArrayList<>(3);
                .setCommandLineArgsProvider(new PassThroughCommandLineArgsProvider(commandLineArgs));
        partitionHandler.setEnvironmentVariablesProvider(new NoOpEnvironmentVariablesProvider());
        partitionHandler.setMaxWorkers(Integer.parseInt(stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getString(step + "WorkerGridSize")));

            partitionHandler.setApplicationName(taskName_prefix + step);

        return partitionHandler;

    public JobExecutionListener jobExecutionListener() {
    JobExecutionListener listener = new JobExecutionListener(){
        public void beforeJob(JobExecution jobExecution)
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerCPURequest", "1");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerCPULimit", "2");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerGridSize", "1");

            // For now using same image for reader/processor, but if it work, can split them
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerImage", "worker:latest");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("readerWorkerStep", "workerStepReader");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorCPURequest", "3");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorCPULimit", "4");

            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerGridSize", "2");

            // For now using same image for reader/processor, but if it work, will split them
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerImage", "worker:latest");
            jobExecution.getExecutionContext().putString("processorWorkerStep", "workerStepProcessor");

            System.out.println("Set readerGridSize == " + jobExecution.getExecutionContext().getString("readerGridSize", "IT IS NULL WHICH IS INCORRECT"));


        public void afterJob(JobExecution jobExecution) {

    return listener;

    public DeployerStepExecutionHandler stepExecutionHandler(JobExplorer jobExplorer) {
        return new DeployerStepExecutionHandler(this.context, jobExplorer, this.jobRepository);

    @Bean(name = "workerStepReader")
    public Step workerStepReader() {
        return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("workerStepReader")

    @Bean(name = "workerStepProcessor")
    public Step workerStepProcessor() {
        return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("workerStepProcessor")

    public Tasklet workerTaskletReader(
            final @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) {

        return new Tasklet() {
            public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception {
                Integer partitionNumber = stepExecution.getExecutionContext().getInt("partitionNumber");
                System.out.println("This workerTaskletReader ran partition: " + partitionNumber);

                return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;

    public Tasklet workerTaskletProcessor(
            final @Value("#{stepExecution}") StepExecution stepExecution) {

        return new Tasklet() {
            public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception {
                Integer partitionNumber = stepExecution.getExecutionContext().getInt("partitionNumber");
                System.out.println("This workerTaskletProcessor ran partition: " + partitionNumber);

                return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;

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